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Snow Storm Etiquette
Posted 6 years ago

The process of digging out of snow is not fun in the least. Like almost everything else, there is a code of etiquette associated with shoveling snow, and I can confidently say that not many people around here followed it.

So that’s what I’m doing today: sharing this snow etiquette so this can possibly help someone in the future.

Don’t dump your shoveled snow onto your neighbor’s car: You would think that this would be common courtesy, but apparently I am wrong. After the last storm we had I cleared most of the snow off my car, I went out again the next morning to see that someone had replaced it for me and created a five-foot wall of snow around my poor car. Digging my car out twice was not something I wanted to do. Dump your shoveled snow off to the side where it won’t get in anyone’s way. There’s room for it elsewhere that’s not your neighbor’s car. And don’t just shovel the snow back onto your neighbor’s car. Don’t be a jerk and start a neighbor’s war over something like that.


Don’t park in a spot you didn’t shovel out yourself: I hear about this happening way too much after a snow storm. Again, common courtesy.  If you didn’t put forth the work and effort to clear out a spot for your own car, don’t take advantage of someone else’s work and deprive them of a place to park. It’s rude and lazy. If you want a spot, dig one out yourself.



Don’t do dumb things in your apartment’s parking lot while other people are trying to dig out: Dig-out time is not the time to tie a sled to your truck’s hitch and pull people around the icy lot like it’s a dog sled (yes, I actually saw that done). It’s dangerous, dumb, and no one thinks it’s funny or wants to try. If you want to sled, do it right.

Be mindful of your neighbors who might need an extra hand: Got an extra shovel or scraper? See a neighbor trying to roll over a patch of snow/ice/slush and their front-wheel drive won’t catch and pull forward?  Lend a hand.  You might get rewarded with hot chocolate/coffee and cookies.


The snow isn’t always fun; actually it’s pretty much a large pain in the rear, literally, if you slip and fall as much as I do. But you can make it bearable and somewhat more pleasant by being mindful and courteous when shoveling and clearing out. It’s appreciated by all involved.


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