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Game Day Treats
Posted 6 years ago

Who doesn't love a good rice krispie treat? Rice Krispies are so versatile and can easily be molded into any shape! That's why they make the perfect ingredient for football shaped game day treats! Round up your kids and get everyone involved in making this recipe and then enjoy it with friends and family during football games!

Photo courtesy of lajollamom.com

What you'll need:
-4 Cups Cocoa Flavored Rice Krispie Cereal
-4 Cups Mini-Marshmallows
-3 Tablespoons Butter
-Vanilla Frosting

1. Begin melting the butter in a large pot over medium heat.

2. Once the butter is melted, add the mini-marshmallows and heat until the mixture is smooth. Be sure not to burn the mixture.

3. Add in the Rice Krispies cereal and fold it into the melted butter and marshmallow mix.

4. Once you've mixed everything together, remove the pot from the stove and let it cool for approximately 1.5 hours on your counter.

5. Feel the mixture and if it's still warm, let it cool for 30 more minutes. If the mixture is still too warm, it is very hard to work with and mold into footballs.

6. Once the mixture is cooled to room temperature, scoop up a golf ball sized amount. Vinyl kitchen gloves are best to use for this part. They help keep your hands clean and the mixture doesn't stick nearly as bad to the gloves.

7. Lay the golf ball size amount on a piece of parchment paper and press them flat. Pinch the edges to form points, like how a football looks. You can keep working on the shape until you get it to your liking! If you find that the mixture is still sticking to your gloves, you can add a small amount of butter to the tips of the gloves on your fingertips to help with this.

8. Repeat this step until you no longer have any mixture left. You should get between 16 and 18 football treats about 3 to 4 inches long.

9. For the finishing touches, scoop a full spoonfulls of store bought vanilla icing into a small sandwich bag.

10. Cut a small section of the corner of the sandwich bag so that you can squeeze the icing out. You'll want to make sure this cut is very small, so that you don't have a thick layer of icing coming out. The laces and white stripes on the football should be skinny.

11. Carefully pipe out the details on the footballs - the laces in the middle and the lines on each end. Since the treats are going to be uneven, the icing may not lay flat. But that's okay, because the treats will still be delicious!

12. Enjoy these chocolately, chewy, crispy treats with family and friends!

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